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Hawaii passed Act 136 this past session implementing elections by mail beginning with the 2020 Elections. All properly registered voters will automatically receive a mail ballot packet approximately 18 days prior to the election.


Keep Your Voter Registration Record Up to Date: Ballots are mailed to the voter's mailing address associated with their voter registration record. Voters who have moved, changed their name or mailing address, must update their voter registration. Voters may check online or call their Clerk's Office to confirm that their voter registration is current.

Not yet registered? Register online or complete a Voter Registration Application and submit it to your Clerk's Office.

Receiving Your Ballot: All properly registered voters will receive a mail ballot packet approximately 18 days prior to the election.

The mail ballot packet contains:

*A ballot
*A secret ballot envelope
*A return ballot envelope
*Voting instructions

If you do not receive your mail ballot packet, contact your Clerk's Office.

Voting Your Ballot: Follow these tips to ensure that your vote counts.

*Before voting, review the instructions, contests, and candidates on both sides of the ballot.

*A properly marked ballot counts 100% of the time. When marking the ballot, completely fill in the box to the left of your choice with a black or blue pen.

*Voters have the right to spoil their ballot. If you change your mind or make an error, contact the Clerk's Office for a replacement ballot.

Preparing Your Ballot for Return: After voting your ballot, re-fold it and seal it in the secret ballot envelope. The secret ballot envelope ensures your right to secrecy as the ballots are opened and prepared for counting. Once sealed, place the secret ballot envelope in the return envelope. Read the affirmation statement and sign the return envelope before returning it to the Clerk's Office. Voters must sign the return envelope for the ballot to be counted.

Returning Your Ballot: Voters may return their ballot by mail or in-person at a designated place of deposit. Voted ballots must be received by the Clerk's Office by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.

*By mail: Voters should mail their voted ballot 2-3 days before the election to ensure that the Clerk's Office receives it by the deadline.

*Voter Service Center: Voters may visit any voter service center within their county to drop off their voted ballot.

*Clerk's Office: Voters may return their voted ballot directly to their Clerk's Office.

Locations and hours of Ballot Drop Sites and Voter Service Centers will be available in May 2020.

Processing Your Ballot: Upon receipt of your return envelope, the Clerk's Office conducts a signature validation. After your signature is validated your ballot will be forwarded to State Election Officials to be counted.

Voter Service Centers: The Clerk's Office establish voter service centers that will be open 10 days prior to each election. Voters may visit any service center within their county should they prefer to vote in person. Additionally, the service center will provide accessible voting and same day registration.

Visit the FAQs page here for frequently asked questions about elections by mail.

Paid for by Friends of Donna Mercado Kim
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